Jaimini Astrology:
Astrology has different types or styles like Parasari, Jaimini, Nadi etc. The basic principles are common but each branch focusses on a separate principle which is unique to the system.
Jaimini is an Indian sage or Maharishi who founded the Mimamsa school of philosophy; he is the disciple of Veda Vyasa the son of Rishi Parasara. He has composed a Magnum opus called Upadesa Sutra and Mimamsa sutra.
Planet Ketu belongs to the Gotra of Maharishi Jaimini so a favourable Ketu in the chart is necessary to understand Jaimini Astrology or we need to invoke Ketu and Maharishi Jaimini to understand Jaimini Astrology. Learning Jaimini sutras itself is a remedy for Ketu.
Jaimini’s perspective is mainly the Rasis. His Rashi drishti, Argalas, Rasi dasas are his primary focus, another specialty is his Charakarakas and Pada Lagnas.
Jaimini is not a separate branch of astrology, Parasara has spoken of all these in a lesser manner but Jaimini takes it to a different dimension, some believe Jaimini system was later added to Parasara sastra
Original Updesa Sutra was of 8 chapters of which only 4 are only available with 932 verses, Jaimini comprises of 80 Rasi Dasas and 14 Ayur dasas
Jaimini teaches certain special Vargas like Drekkana, Kualaka amsa, Saptamsa, and Rudramsa .
Jaimini master piece is his delineation of Navamsa with his Lagnamsa , Karakamsa and Swamsa and reading of the horoscope primarily from Navamsa
The use of Varnada Lagna is another marvel of Jaimini. Jaimini astrology is like a supplement to Parasari astrology. He details certain aspects which need more attention and depth.
The Aruda Lagnas exposition is one of my favourites in Jaimini, Aruda Lagna and other pada usage can be seen in Bhrigu Nadi and in Devakeralam .
The Yogas in Jaimini are different. The special Lagnas, Hora, Ghati, Varnada are very important for Yoga formation. The Charakarakas , the Pada Lagnas the special Lagnas , Rasi apsects are Argalas are all essential to understand the Yogas of Jaimini.
The Chara Karakas of Jaimini open up new Vistas for understanding the various dimensions of the horoscope. Jaimini treats Athmakaraka as the king of the horoscope and the whole horoscope focusses on the AK and its association in D1 and D9
The fundamental understanding of a horoscope starts with how each bhava is related to certain bhavas through Argalas and how each bhavas have Mutual Rashi aspects is the master piece of Jaimini.
Aruda Padas is another beautiful exposition of understanding a horoscope. As much as a bhava or lord is important, the Aruda of a bhava is equally important in understanding how a bhava gets empowered.
Jaiminis Marvel is elucidating longevity with his principles and 14 Ayur dasas.
The session on Jamini will cover in detail the first Adyaya of Upadesa sutra with ample examples and the Aruda exposition from Devakeralam and Bhirugu Nadi.
The first chapter covers all the basic Jaimini principles, the 2nd chapter is on Longevity and the rest of the chapter are on the various Rasi Dasas. The Rasi dasas will be taught in the next Jaimini session.
1st Day Session:
2nd Day Session:
Jaimini Astrology:
Astrology has different types or styles like Parasari, Jaimini, Nadi etc. The basic principles are common but each branch focusses on a separate principle which is unique to the system.
Jaimini is an Indian sage or Maharishi who founded the Mimamsa school of philosophy; he is the disciple of Veda Vyasa the son of Rishi Parasara. He has composed a Magnum opus called Upadesa Sutra and Mimamsa sutra.
Planet Ketu belongs to the Gotra of Maharishi Jaimini so a favourable Ketu in the chart is necessary to understand Jaimini Astrology or we need to invoke Ketu and Maharishi Jaimini to understand Jaimini Astrology. Learning Jaimini sutras itself is a remedy for Ketu.
Jaimini’s perspective is mainly the Rasis. His Rashi drishti, Argalas, Rasi dasas are his primary focus, another specialty is his Charakarakas and Pada Lagnas.
Jaimini is not a separate branch of astrology, Parasara has spoken of all these in a lesser manner but Jaimini takes it to a different dimension, some believe Jaimini system was later added to Parasara sastra
Original Updesa Sutra was of 8 chapters of which only 4 are only available with 932 verses, Jaimini comprises of 80 Rasi Dasas and 14 Ayur dasas
Jaimini teaches certain special Vargas like Drekkana, Kualaka amsa, Saptamsa, and Rudramsa .
Jaimini master piece is his delineation of Navamsa with his Lagnamsa , Karakamsa and Swamsa and reading of the horoscope primarily from Navamsa
The use of Varnada Lagna is another marvel of Jaimini. Jaimini astrology is like a supplement to Parasari astrology. He details certain aspects which need more attention and depth.
The Aruda Lagnas exposition is one of my favourites in Jaimini, Aruda Lagna and other pada usage can be seen in Bhrigu Nadi and in Devakeralam .
The Yogas in Jaimini are different. The special Lagnas, Hora, Ghati, Varnada are very important for Yoga formation. The Charakarakas , the Pada Lagnas the special Lagnas , Rasi apsects are Argalas are all essential to understand the Yogas of Jaimini.
The Chara Karakas of Jaimini open up new Vistas for understanding the various dimensions of the horoscope. Jaimini treats Athmakaraka as the king of the horoscope and the whole horoscope focusses on the AK and its association in D1 and D9
The fundamental understanding of a horoscope starts with how each bhava is related to certain bhavas through Argalas and how each bhavas have Mutual Rashi aspects is the master piece of Jaimini.
Aruda Padas is another beautiful exposition of understanding a horoscope. As much as a bhava or lord is important, the Aruda of a bhava is equally important in understanding how a bhava gets empowered.
Jaiminis Marvel is elucidating longevity with his principles and 14 Ayur dasas.
The session on Jamini will cover in detail the first Adyaya of Upadesa sutra with ample examples and the Aruda exposition from Devakeralam and Bhirugu Nadi.
The first chapter covers all the basic Jaimini principles, the 2nd chapter is on Longevity and the rest of the chapter are on the various Rasi Dasas. The Rasi dasas will be taught in the next Jaimini session.
1st Day Session:
2nd Day Session:
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