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Ref No. 7108

  • As per the age-old scriptures and our ancient science of astrology, it is believed that wearing the correct and proper gemstone will contribute to major and meaningful improvements in a person’s life. Therefore, gemstones are best regarded as an astrological solution to solve barriers and difficulties in life. Diamond is one of the gemstones on the list of nine gemstones in astrology. It’s got its ruling world like Venus.  
  • Everybody loves Diamonds because they are bright, shiny and have heritage and history. Any piece of Jewelry that contains Diamonds makes a statement and impact due to the luster and the shine of Diamonds. 
  • The ruling planet of the diamond is Venus. Hence, wearing the diamond gemstone benefits the native in attaining marital bliss and steady love life.
  • The one who wears diamond jewellery attracts abundance and possesses an attractive personality too.
  • The diamond gemstone aids in faster recovery from problems related to the reproductive organs and sexual well-being.
  • People who suffer from bronchitis or other lung related problems are advised to wear  diamond gemstone ring on the middle finger of the right hand.
  • The gemstones also help in treating insomnia in patients.
  • The diamond ring helps in instilling self-confidence in its wearer.
  • The diamond gemstone maintains the physical, emotional and spiritual equilibrium in a person’s life.
  • It helps recover the ailing muscles.
  • The diamond gemstone benefits a pregnant woman and helps in easy labour.
  • It removes negativity and gives the courage to face challenges.
  • The diamond gemstone helps in transforming dreams into reality.
  • The diamond stone is helpful in recovering from kidney and stomach diseases.
  • It strengthens the mind of the person who wears it, encourages generous thoughts, and eliminates evil and fearful thoughts, making his or her appearance beautiful and charming.
  • Diamond is aligned with the planet Venus (Shukra) and also in astrology, it is called a gemstone of money.
  • diamonds have vibes that will help repair digestive organs, liver, asthma, urinary tract, throat, jaw, lips, and skin-related components.
  • Diamonds are said to have the ability to eradicate any inferiority complex. It is also recommended as a panacea for the artistic blocks that musicians, authors and actors have endured. Many who believe in the value of gemstones attribute the power of the diamond to resist negativity and to preserve good health.
  • Wearing diamonds can make positive thoughts possible and eradicate evil and fearful thoughts. The wearing of diamonds will make your appearance appealing and desirable.
    • As per astrological beliefs, wearing a diamond can help overcome the feeling of inferiority and can increase the level of confidence in an individual.
      • It is best to be worn by people who are suffering from the creative blocks and who are not being able to express themselves through a medium of arts and creativity such as a writer, painter and an artist
      • How and when to wear a Diamond
      • Wash it in water and panchamrit again wash in water and after recitation of  ॥ ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं स: शुक्राये नम: ॥ ॥ Om Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukraaye Namah॥   at least 108 times   on friday morning can be worn in the 1st hora of Venus.

5 In Stock



$ 3.00


  • As per the age-old scriptures and our ancient science of astrology, it is believed that wearing the correct and proper gemstone will contribute to major and meaningful improvements in a person’s life. Therefore, gemstones are best regarded as an astrological solution to solve barriers and difficulties in life. Diamond is one of the gemstones on the list of nine gemstones in astrology. It’s got its ruling world like Venus.  
  • Everybody loves Diamonds because they are bright, shiny and have heritage and history. Any piece of Jewelry that contains Diamonds makes a statement and impact due to the luster and the shine of Diamonds. 
  • The ruling planet of the diamond is Venus. Hence, wearing the diamond gemstone benefits the native in attaining marital bliss and steady love life.
  • The one who wears diamond jewellery attracts abundance and possesses an attractive personality too.
  • The diamond gemstone aids in faster recovery from problems related to the reproductive organs and sexual well-being.
  • People who suffer from bronchitis or other lung related problems are advised to wear  diamond gemstone ring on the middle finger of the right hand.
  • The gemstones also help in treating insomnia in patients.
  • The diamond ring helps in instilling self-confidence in its wearer.
  • The diamond gemstone maintains the physical, emotional and spiritual equilibrium in a person’s life.
  • It helps recover the ailing muscles.
  • The diamond gemstone benefits a pregnant woman and helps in easy labour.
  • It removes negativity and gives the courage to face challenges.
  • The diamond gemstone helps in transforming dreams into reality.
  • The diamond stone is helpful in recovering from kidney and stomach diseases.
  • It strengthens the mind of the person who wears it, encourages generous thoughts, and eliminates evil and fearful thoughts, making his or her appearance beautiful and charming.
  • Diamond is aligned with the planet Venus (Shukra) and also in astrology, it is called a gemstone of money.
  • diamonds have vibes that will help repair digestive organs, liver, asthma, urinary tract, throat, jaw, lips, and skin-related components.
  • Diamonds are said to have the ability to eradicate any inferiority complex. It is also recommended as a panacea for the artistic blocks that musicians, authors and actors have endured. Many who believe in the value of gemstones attribute the power of the diamond to resist negativity and to preserve good health.
  • Wearing diamonds can make positive thoughts possible and eradicate evil and fearful thoughts. The wearing of diamonds will make your appearance appealing and desirable.
    • As per astrological beliefs, wearing a diamond can help overcome the feeling of inferiority and can increase the level of confidence in an individual.
      • It is best to be worn by people who are suffering from the creative blocks and who are not being able to express themselves through a medium of arts and creativity such as a writer, painter and an artist
      • How and when to wear a Diamond
      • Wash it in water and panchamrit again wash in water and after recitation of  ॥ ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं स: शुक्राये नम: ॥ ॥ Om Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukraaye Namah॥   at least 108 times   on friday morning can be worn in the 1st hora of Venus.


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