Following points can be taken into consideration:-
Rs.10,000/- / $ 200 (per 1000 SQ feet) plus conveyance expenses for primary personal visit to the site (in Mumbai). After visiting the site and graphing the premises, a report will be given mentioning the faults with suggestion of remedies. After that a second visit can be availed for carrying out the remedies, fees for which can be obtained on our contact numbers provided.
Following points can be taken into consideration:-
Rs.10,000/- / $ 200 (per 1000 SQ feet) plus conveyance expenses for primary personal visit to the site (in Mumbai). After visiting the site and graphing the premises, a report will be given mentioning the faults with suggestion of remedies. After that a second visit can be availed for carrying out the remedies, fees for which can be obtained on our contact numbers provided.
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